So it is now Sunday and all is well. I had a pretty good night sleep considering all the sinus drainage that was going on. I didn't take anything to stop it, because I want to get all the bad stuff out. Some drainage today, but under control. Meaning I didn't have tissue stuck in my nostrils, LOL!
So anyway today we went to hang out with friends after church and yes me and my juice attended with happiness. I love hanging out and loving on friends and I am finding that yes when people get together that is what we do - eat! Why?, because our bodies need food. The discipline and self-control are definitely being developed at this time. Most of what I see people eat I wouldn't eat anyway, but those around me are chewing and I am sipping or gulping. It seems to be all in the mind, because I am not hungry as I am juicing, but it's just a thing of not chewing. My reasons for juicing have to be recited throughout the day and then I am fine! Anything worth doing is not going to be easy, but in the end I will achieve the desired results and will be so proud of myself for not quitting! I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!
Today I had:
24 oz of water
24 oz of canteloupe juice ( loving it!!!!)
28 oz of orange juice
24 oz of carrot-apple juice
12 oz of carrot-beet-celery juice
12 oz of orange juice with wheatgrass powder
I will have more water and my supplements for the evening.
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